Friday, December 9, 2011

Day 17

Currently: at the salon waiting. Haha. That’s usually how it goes. I’m nervous cause she said she has to see my hair before she’ll do it to see if it’s healthy enough.
Update: the dying is done and I’m under the dryer nervous as $%&# cause I don’t know if I like what she did. I wanted the front lightened from root to tip and she did streaks and not all the front. But I have to see it before I freak out. Gahhhhh
Update #2: I’m really freakin sad cause its not what I wanted. I’m gonna prolly get dye and duz the front myself the way I want it. :’( I was so excited. Bummed as $&&?$;?%:/#+(
Update #3: Less bummed. It’s all done now and I’m starting to like it. I’m going to get it perfected around Thanksgiving and I’m going to dye the back black after I get back to Richmond. Semi-pleased :)

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