This is what I decided to do with my twist out. The front turned out great so I”m keeping it visible and I have a bun going on in the back.
ignore my spiderman calender still on September. I’m sitting on the floor eating soup about to start Aveyond.
This is what I decided to do with my twist out. The front turned out great so I”m keeping it visible and I have a bun going on in the back.
ignore my spiderman calender still on September. I’m sitting on the floor eating soup about to start Aveyond.
I’m really not happy with my hair today. Maybe it’s because I’m sick and feeling icky and my period will/should be starting in T-minus 2 days ago. It’s not even that I an feeling an urge to perm, it’s just that I wish my texture was different. I don’t want any other person’s texture (usually) but I want a looser curl like I have on the top of my head. You can see this in yesterday’s post if you compare the front to the back. I finger combed out my twist out cause I really didn’t like it and then I looked in the mirror and was like UGGGGHHH and I’ve had my hair pulled back ever since.
I think it’s most frustrating because I can never and will never have a fro, but then I can never and will never have bouncy curls. Neither texture wants to cooperate. Some people say that your texture changes as you get older, so I hope the top of my head will take over.
/end rant
I washed out the pre-poo gunk and shampooed with a vegetable soap bar and then J/A/S/O/N Biotin shampoo. The pre-poo was not good for detangling for me, but I saw a difference in how my hair responded to shampoo. It worked kind of like a deep treatment for me. I’m going to try using EVCO instead of regular coconut oil next time.
This is right out of the shower with damp hair.
My ends need to be trimmed badly. I did a ‘chunky’ twist out.
These are the twists after drying.
This is after untwisting them, not separating or fluffing though.
This is after some fluffing and separation. Because of the dire state of my ends I’ll probably be combing it out.
Day 3
Air drying pool hair. One little piece is stretched out. I cowashed after I got out with a Herbal Essences Hello Hydration (HEHH) & Herbal Essences Totally Twisted (HETT) mix and I’m about to add Extra Virgin Coconut Oil (EVCO) to the mix as a pre-poo for tomorrow. I think I’ll be doing a twist-n-curl tomorrow.
I have been bunning for a consistent week and this is the aftermath of a bunning style I started back when I was transitioning. It was much easier with permed ends, and I recommend it to those who are transitioning or still perming. I’ll do a photo (possibly video mehh..) tutorial soon. I basically pull my hair into 2 ponytails (one if I’m early into transitioning or still permed) and braid and curl the ends. This time I didn’t have enough time to let my ends dry so only the front had curls and the back was/is frizz.
This is what the style looks like with majority permed ends.
Last perm: July 18, 2009
Transitioned until: November 28, 2010
Transition length: 71 weeks or 17 3/4 months
Natural for: 42 weeks or 10 1/2 months
I have been growing my hair for 114 weeks or 2 years 4 1/2 months.
I will be spending the next 365 days trying to retain length and keep my hair healthy. My goal is that my hair will be almost at mid-back length in a year.
This is my wash-n-go length currently.
This is my blow dried length currently.